Following the Introductory Exhibition, we would like to invite you to three short and interactive design workshops to start generating ideas with you based on three key themes that came up in the survey.Below are the Zoom links and some questions that might start getting you thinking. We hope to see you there!

WORKSHOP 1: Play and community – 4-4:30pm Tuesday 1st December Zoom link:

  • What activities might you and your neighbours join to do in the courtyards?
  • Do you know what local play areas are most used by the estate?
  • What sort of play areas would you like to see across the estate? Can you talk to your own kids about what kinds of things they would like?
  • Where do older children on the estate hang out at present? Are these areas safe?
  • What do you think about a community garden on the estate? What other community activities would be useful?
  • Where do you go currently for outdoor exercise?

WORKSHOP 2: Safety and security – 6-6:30pm Wednesday 2nd December Zoom link:

  • What areas do you find most intimidating/scary on the estate? Can you say why you think this is?
  • What do you feel are the safest spaces/routes? Can you say why?
  • Do you feel there is enough lighting across the estate and beyond?
  • Is there something other than lighting that would make you feel safer?
  • Do you know your neighbours?
  • Do you mix much with other residents across the estate?
  • Do you think it would help with your feeling of security if you knew your neighbours more and if there were safe places for everyone to meet up and get to know each other?

WORKSHOP 3: Maintenance and Management – 6-6:30pm Thursday 3rd December Zoom link:

  • What are your main concerns about how the estate is kept up?
  • What would you like to see ongoing as far as general maintenance?
  • What areas have the most issues and require a lot of maintenance?