Building Safety and Resident Engagement Strategy – Share your views.

Residents not only need to be safe but should feel safe too, this means they need to be well informed and feel assured they are being listened to.

The Barnet Group is developing a Building Safety Resident Engagement Strategy for our Barnet Homes and Opendoor Homes high-rise buildings, which sets out how we will engage and consult with residents on the management of management of building safety and involve them in future decisions.

We invite you to help us shape the strategy by sharing your views on the draft version and completing a short survey. We encourage residents who live in our high-rise residential buildings to take part in sharing their views.

Please note; The strategy is relevant for both Barnet Homes and Opendoor Homes properties, therefore some sections in the strategy are highlighted in yellow or blue and will be updated respectively in the final versions.

Click here to download Draft Building Safety Resident Engagement Strategy

Click here to complete the resident feedback survey

 Consultation is open until Midday Monday 8 April 2024.