the project
Outline planning consent was achieved in 2004, providing a masterplan for the regeneration of the whole of Grahame Park. Since then, a number of phases have been successfully delivered by Notting Hill Genesis, in partnership with Barnet Council. Under previous plans, construction on the north eastern part of the estate would not commence until 2030 at the earliest.
To bring this work forward, Barnet Homes will be delivering regeneration to the north eastern part of the estate. Barnet Council’s cabinet approve the selection of Lovell Partnerships as the Joint Venture partner for the regeneration scheme. We hope to submit a detailed planning application in mid-2025 with initial works on site expected to start by autumn 2025.
Barnet Homes are working with an experienced design team to develop a proposal which will be presented to residents in a series of engagement events over the coming months. These events will provide an opportunity for you to view, comment and influence the regeneration proposals as they evolve. Our aim is to undertake extensive, transparent and meaningful engagement with residents
Blocks included
The Barnet Homes scheme will focus first on Phase 1 which includes the following blocks:
Residents who will need to move ahead of demolition have been contacted by our Regeneration housing team. All secure tenants and non-secure tenants with a tenancy of over 5 years will be able to move back to a new home once completed.
Further engagement will take place from early 2025 including a series of engagement events to provide an opportunity for you to view, comment and influence the regeneration proposals as they evolve. Our aim is to undertake extensive, transparent and meaningful engagement with residents.